Sunday, February 7, 2016

Thanks Gigi (Michele Zamora) for the cute picture!
Mr. B and I were going to avoid the Superbowl by watching a movie. Unfortunately, there isn't a movie we want to see at the right time. Now Mr. B is headed to Red Box to see if there's a rental movie for us to watch.

Someone posted on Facebook a scientific chart about predicting eye colors. According to the chart, neither TLP nor I should have blue eyes because one of our parents had brown eyes. If one parent has brown eyes and the other has blue eyes there's a 0% chance (per the chart) that an offspring will have blue eyes. Obviously the chart didn't take into consideration recessive genes.

Today I'm celebrating quiet. Only Mr. B, Rose and I are in the house this afternoon and evening. TLP isn't here so there's no running from the front door to the back door.

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