Thursday, February 4, 2016

Having a snack after his nap.
I walked to a neighborhood park this afternoon with Big Daddy Nick and TLP. On the walk to the park I felt like I was running to keep up with my tall son-in-law. Maybe I should rename him Daddy Long Legs.

Once in the park, TLP checked out the other kids before heading out on his own. He was a happy boy running and giggling. He loves to be chased so I did that as he looked over his shoulder and squealed. Being a little boy, he had to put rocks and twigs and everything else he could find in his mouth. It was really a joy to watch him running and having such a fun time. Pure joy.

Today I'm celebrating large dogs. There was a Labradoddle in the park having a great time with a ball. Such a beautiful dog! I'd like to have some sort of a doodle dog, but much smaller than the Labradoodle.

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