Sunday, February 28, 2016

Earlier this week it was National Love Your Pet Day. I love my pet, Rose, every day of the year! By coincidence, Rose went to the groomer on National Love Your Pet Day. The pic-of-the-day is of my sweet girl when she came home from her day of pampering at the doggy salon. Rose is a rescue so we're not sure of her age. Her behavior is no help in determining her age because she can sometimes act like a pup and other times act like an old solider. Judging by her teeth, the vet says she is probably 11-12 years young.

Speaking of grooming, I had a long long eyebrow hair that I had to wrangle in the middle of the night. I have no idea how I missed the hair, but it reminded me of one you would see on Andy Rooney (bless his heart). I was able to clip the untamed wild child. I also determined that it's time to get a magnifying makeup mirror with lights.

Today I'm celebrating the Academy Awards. I always look forward to seeing the gowns. My gown for the ceremony will be white flannel with blue and green geometric designs. My footwear will be by Jockey.

Friday, February 26, 2016

It is so beautiful in Houston. The skies are clear, the temperature is in the high 50s or low 60s, and the humidity is low.

I went to the bookstore this afternoon with the intention of buying several copies of the current Texas Monthly magazine. There is an article about The Suffers in the March issue. Well, the bookstore didn't have the March issue. I went to the grocery store and there were no copies of the March issue there, either. So I bought two bottles of champagne and came home.

Today I'm celebrating Go Texan Day. Only in Houston can you look up from lunch with a friend and see chuckwagons, horses and cowboys/girls going down the street. It's a beautiful day for a trail ride!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Yesterday I enjoyed a grilled cheese sammie
dipped in ketchup, but not the fries. Go figure.
A house without TLP. His mom and dad are in California. I took care of him yesterday. Nick's parents have him today and tomorrow. Dr. Mc's dad and stepmom have him on Saturday, which is when she returns and Nick continues touring with The Suffers. Yes, it takes a village to care for one little 18-month-old boy. And we all love it!

Mr. B and I are getting ready to have some work done on the yard. While other people redo the interior of their homes, there is no need for us to do that with a baby in the house. Instead, we're going to spruce up the yard.

Today I'm celebrating my right to vote. I usually take advantage of early voting, which I did today. For the first time ever, I had to wait in a short line. Makes me think there will be lots of people voting in the this important primary.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Today I'm celebrating the idea that "handlers" for the three candidates mentioned above could transform these people into something that resembles a 21st-Century human.
– Bernie needs a good haircut and a pair of glasses that were purchased at least 10 years after Y2K. His handler should take a steam iron to his clothes to lessen, as much as possible, his "Columbo" look. I nominate Mr. B to freshen Bernie's look.
– Donald, I don't care if it is your own hair, it still looks like crap. While Donald is at the salon, his handler needs to unplug Donald's tanning bed and tell his make-up artist to pitch his erase/cover-up stick. The white around his eyes is meant to conceal dark circles, but it just looks like bad 70s makeup to me. I nominate my stylist, Jim, to take care of Donald's hair and make-up.
– Hillary style is very starchy. She needs to get rid of her helmet hair. She has nice hair, but it never moves (just like Trump's). Her pant suits are practical, but she could use some accessories. She should know by now that to compete in a man's world she doesn't have to dress like one. Hillary should reference the fashion stylebook of Texas' own Kay Bailey Hutchison. I nominate my friend Sandy (Queen of Accessories) to soften Hillary's style.

Now, go out and find some humor in your day.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

This is the six day cycle in the Pettit House. Dr. Mc is sick for two days. TLP is sick the next two days. I'm sick for two days. If Big Daddy Nick is here, he gets sick for two days and the six day cycle changes to an eight day cycle.

It's sad when the little man isn't feeling well because he just lays on the couch with a bunch of pillows. At the same time, it's nice when he is sick because he will cuddle. I hate to see him sick, but there's nothing I enjoy more than laying on the couch with TLP. He's normally not a cuddler so it doesn't happen that often.

Today I'm celebrating Sweetness. She is back in college and doing VERY great. Go Sweetness!

Friday, February 19, 2016

I have left the house four of the last five days. This has to be a record for me since I stopped my part-time job.

It must be spring because our azeleas in the front yard are blooming. We have lost most of the azeleas in the front yard so I'm probably going to replace the remaining three plants after they bloom.

Today I'm celebrating family. I took Aulay to Rosenberg to visit my cousin today. He ran around like a good little boy investigating his new surroundings while Susan and I caught up. He liked the popcorn shrimp he had for lunch very much. And he liked the red sauce so much that he brought it home ... on his shirt and face. Where is my bottle of Shout?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

February 17, 2015 ... how time flies!
This is the kind of "winter" weather in Houston that drives me crazy. First of all, the weather this week is more like spring than winer. The temps are in the mid 70s and it will be 80-something by the end of the week. I'll decide to put my sweaters away and then the weather will get cold again. Ugh!

Have I mentioned my love of Topo-Chico water? It was around the time of Evan and Raff's wedding last year when "the kids" kept talking about Topo-Chico. It's a mineral water from Monterrey, Mexico. We can't keep it chilled because everyone drinks it (and doesn't replace the bottles in the fridge. I keep telling Mr. B that we need a private wine cooler in the bedroom that we can lock.

Today I'm celebrating spring weather. I know. I was just kind-of complaining about it in the first paragraph, but today was just beautiful.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

It has been a quiet Valentine's Day at the homestead. My intention was to do some house cleaning, but I decided to put it off another day.

TLP looked super cute in his red vest. He has been in the house since mid-afternoon because his "dada and mama" were preparing for tonight's performance of The Suffers at The Continental Club. 

Today I'm celebrating Shipley Donuts. Mr. B brought me donuts from Shipley and a vanilla bean latte from McDonald's. These are my favorites. Thanks to my Valentine!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

I love the little red rocker in the pic-of-the-day. Someone in the Akin family made that rocker for my grandparents when my father was born in 1929. It was originally natural wood with a cushion seat. Daddy used the rocker. My older brother and I used the rocker, as did my cousins when they were small and visited my grandparents. I think it was after this generation than my grandfather painted the rocker red/orange and traded the cushion for a cane seat.

My nephew and nieces, as well as the lovely McCarley sisters, sat in the chair when they were young and visited my grandparents home. When my grandmother stopped keeping house, the rocker passed down to me, and I'm so happy that this simple family heirloom continues with TLP using it in his playroom.

Today I'm celebrating women who vote with their brain instead of their vagina. Vote for the candidates you believe are best qualified, regardless of race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I think TLP knew his "dada" was going to be on television late last night. He had a long, late afternoon nap and was awake to see The Suffers perform on The Daily Show. As a result, he had a nap this morning and another nap this afternoon.

But when TLP wasn't asleep, he was being his normal busy self. I don't know how many books we read today or how many puzzles we took apart and put back together.

Today I'm celebrating two new prescriptions. Maybe these will be the fix to get me back on track.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

It's a big day for The Suffers. The band performs tonight on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. Mr B told me he already set the recorder. I'll be showing TLP the reruns over and over tomorrow so he can see his "Dada" and uncle Alex.

I don't talk about the performances by Sweetness as much as I do The Suffers. She sings and plays the guitar in a duo, and she also does performance art. Yesterday I was honored when she asked me for tips and guidance regarding a fundraiser she is working on for performance art in Houston. How well I remember being her age and trying to raise money for a theater group. I'm so pleased that she is involved with the arts, but what would I expect from a drama queen?

Today I'm celebrating Fat Tuesday (a.k.a. Shrove Tuesday), which refers to the practice of eating a large meal before the fasting initiates with the Lenten season (Ash Wednesday is tomorrow). Since it's also National Pizza Day, it may be what's for dinner tonight.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Thanks Gigi (Michele Zamora) for the cute picture!
Mr. B and I were going to avoid the Superbowl by watching a movie. Unfortunately, there isn't a movie we want to see at the right time. Now Mr. B is headed to Red Box to see if there's a rental movie for us to watch.

Someone posted on Facebook a scientific chart about predicting eye colors. According to the chart, neither TLP nor I should have blue eyes because one of our parents had brown eyes. If one parent has brown eyes and the other has blue eyes there's a 0% chance (per the chart) that an offspring will have blue eyes. Obviously the chart didn't take into consideration recessive genes.

Today I'm celebrating quiet. Only Mr. B, Rose and I are in the house this afternoon and evening. TLP isn't here so there's no running from the front door to the back door.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Part of the At Your Service exhibition.
Mr. B and I went to the Houston Contemporary Craft Museum last night for a dual opening of At Your Service and Mixed and Mastered: Turntable Kitsch. Both exhibitions were very good!

From the HCCC website: Mixed and Mastered: Turntable Kitsch, an exhibition featuring the works of mixed-media artist and ceramic restorer, Debra Broz, and fiber artist, Nick DeFord. Turntable Kitsch explores the alteration and customization of the sentimental trinkets in our everyday lives. By mixing, sampling, and adding layers, the artists rework found tchotchkes. Like mastering a record to produce a polished sound, Broz and DeFord fine-tune their kitsch mementos for an exciting final effect.  At Your Service an exhibition that examines the plate as a cultural touchstone beyond its everyday utility. Curators Amelia Toelke and Niki Johnson join their own works with pieces by an international selection of artists in this stunning exhibition. Whether serving as the canvas for a large-scale painting, cast into three-dimensional sculptures, or transformed into willow patterned jewelry, the plates of At Your Serviceare both alluring and thought provoking. 

Today I'm celebrating a lazy Saturday after a fun Friday night.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Having a snack after his nap.
I walked to a neighborhood park this afternoon with Big Daddy Nick and TLP. On the walk to the park I felt like I was running to keep up with my tall son-in-law. Maybe I should rename him Daddy Long Legs.

Once in the park, TLP checked out the other kids before heading out on his own. He was a happy boy running and giggling. He loves to be chased so I did that as he looked over his shoulder and squealed. Being a little boy, he had to put rocks and twigs and everything else he could find in his mouth. It was really a joy to watch him running and having such a fun time. Pure joy.

Today I'm celebrating large dogs. There was a Labradoddle in the park having a great time with a ball. Such a beautiful dog! I'd like to have some sort of a doodle dog, but much smaller than the Labradoodle.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Sweetness and I took TLP to get a haircut this afternoon. His hair grows super fast! I think he could use a haircut once a month. His eyes are now visible again, which is a good thing.

After the haircut we got Raff and went to Menchies for some frozen yogurt. TLP isn't fed sweets and wasn't sure, at first, he wanted a bite of the frozen yogurt. After one bite he was using his sign language over and over again to let me know he wanted more. He was also saying "more" and "mas."

Today I'm celebrating an unclogged left ear. I haven't been able to hear through my left ear because it was clogged (again). I have promised the doctor that I will never again use q-tips.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Mr. B and Mike Piana at the Craft Museum fundraiser.
Perhaps traveling between cold and hot climates is what has made me sick again. I say this because back in Houston, my head is stopped up and my left ear is completely closed.

I'm always inspired when I'm in Santa Fe. This visit, Mr. B and I spent time with a nutty shop owner who has a ton of art by New Mexican artists. I especially enjoyed the Native American folk art on ledger paper. I need to research this artwork.

Today I'm celebrating being in my own bed. As much as I loved the king-size bed with tons of pillows in Santa Fe, it's always good to be home.