Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Postings on Etsy

At the end of last week Dr. Mc came down with a bad cold, which she "gave" to TLP. He started coughing and sneezing yesterday. It's hard to tell if his coughing is real or fake, but there was no mistaking the real deal this morning.

He spends Tuesdays with Big Daddy Nick's parents. I texted Dr. Mc after lunch to see how he was doing. She replied that the Zamoras gave him a steam bath and a taco, and he was feeling much better. TLP is just like me in that there isn't much that a hot bath/shower and Mexican food can't repair.

Today I'm celebrating a beautiful day in H-town. The weather prediction was for rain, but it's a bright sunny day. It's only in the high 80s. I'll be doing a happy dance in a few months when the temperature is down in the 60s. I love wearing cold weather clothes.

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