Monday, April 3, 2017

It's Cancer - Pre-op begins

I was at MDA this morning being examined and receiving instructions about my surgery next Tuesday. While I'm excited to get the surgery behind me, I''m also nervous. Until a couple of days ago, I was fine with the prospect of having a long scar across my left breast and no nipple, but now I'm letting it bother me. I suppose it will take some time to adjust to my new post-surgery "look." I just need to stay calm and carry on, as the expression goes.

Yesterday afternoon Mr. B and I saw two documentaries, one of which was about sculptor/metal artist Ed Wilson. About 15(?) years ago, Mr. B and I bought a sculpture by Ed that's in our front yard. His latest project was unveiled in November 2016, in the lobby of the George R. Brown Convention Center. Our sculpture is about 7 feet tall, while Soaring In The Clouds in GRB is a 67-foot-high mobile of shiny stainless steel clouds and cutout birds. It's amazing! 

Today I'm celebrating friend and filmographer Ray Hylenski. Ray documented Ed making his monumental sculpture and installing it at GRB, and presented his film yesterday. It was a interesting to watch, plus Mr. B and I got to see lots of friends. Thanks, Ray, for inviting us to the preview and taking my mind off my worries.

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