Monday, March 6, 2017

It's Cancer - Rainey days and Mondays always get me down

Mr. B and I went to a couple of neighborhood art openings on Saturday and then had dinner at Southern Goods. It's not often that I get Mr. B to try a new restaurant. Usually I go to the new restaurant at noon months before I can get him to go for dinner. He loved the shrimp and grit balls at Southern Goods, as well as the special for the night: grilled ribs with strawberry glaze. I was concerned that strawberries would make the glaze too sweet, but it was wonderful. And the ribs had lots of meat on them, which was also wonderful.

Speaking of grilling, the Houston Rodeo barbecue contest was this past weekend. It's hard for me to believe that the overall grand champion is from ... Iowa. What? A state in the heart of the Corn Belt wins the barbecue cook-off?.

Today I'm celebrating avocados. I had half of one on my turkey and swiss sandwich today. Very yummy.

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