Thursday, March 2, 2017

It's Cancer - Laying low

It's a beautiful day outside. I wish I would get dressed and sit outside and read or something, but I can't seem to find the strength today. I need to keep in mind that I only have one more chemo treatment left. Then I'll be able to regain my strength and grow hair. I don't know which I'm more excited about.

I'm already thinking passed my last chemo and surgery and radiation to when I'm cancer free. Eye on the prize.

Today I'm celebrating stupidity. Former Texas governor Rick Perry is the new energy secretary of the U.S. Why? Who can forget Perry’s infamous “oops” statement in which he forgot that the Department of Energy was among the agencies he would abolish if elected president. Fortunately he was not elected president. Unfortunately he is now in charge of the DOE. Crazy stupid.

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