Wednesday, March 8, 2017

It's Cancer - Chemo Phase 2, Number 12 of 12 - I'm Done!

I was so excited today around 1:30 p.m. when the nurse pulled the last chemo needle from my chest. It was amazing to think that I don't have to lay in a bed and have chemicals pumped into me again. I have a couple of appointments before my surgery on April 11, but no chemo next week or ever again. It's a great feeling.

I'm excited, but I'm exhausted at the same time. I always feel weak after chemo, but today I also have a headache and a pain in my chest where the chemo was administered. Pain pill to the rescue.

Today I'm celebrating Lisa (who drove me to MDA this morning) and Kelly (who drove me home from MDA and brought me a sandwich). I can't give enough thanks to all the people who have driven me to and from the hospital the last five months.


  1. It is a special day when you ring the bell and say goodby to that last chemo treatment... That chapter is now in the rear view mirror, and you are on your way to recovery!

    1. Thanks for all your words of wisdom, book recommendations and other support, Mary. I really appreciate everything!
