Tuesday, March 28, 2017

It's Cancer - Proceeding to surgery

I got the news yesterday that my tumor has shrunk enough and my surgery will take place as scheduledN. There were three tests performed last Wednesday and the results showed that chemo worked. My tumor is now approximately 1 cm x 1 cm x .5 cm. No more chemo.

I don't have to visit MDA this week, although I do have to have my blood drawn today. My internist wants to check my thyroid level. I've taken medication to regulate my thyroid for years, but my internist thinks that the chemo might have changed it. We'll see, but he is probably correct.

Today I'm celebrating Truett Bryan Akin, Jr., who is better known to me as Daddy or Poppy. He died 10 years ago today, which was one of the saddest days of my life. To other women who have recently lost their fathers. know that the sadness will dull and the memories last forever.  

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

It's Cancer - Fingers crossed

It has been two weeks since I finished chemo and I'm feeling so much better, other than tingling in my fingers and toes, and weakness in my legs. My chemo rash is bad, but looking better. All is good.

I was at MDA most of today so doctors could run tests to determine the size of my tumor. I had a regular mammo, a 3-D mammo, and an ultrasound. After all the results are compared, doctors can gauge the size of my tumor. If it has shrunk enough, surgery to remove the tumor will take place on April 11. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and feeling positive. I don't want more chemo.

Today I'm celebrating the return of Big Daddy Nick. After three-plus weeks in Europe touring with The Suffers he returned to Houston today.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

It's Cancer - Chemo Phase 2, Number 12 of 12 - I'm Done!

I was so excited today around 1:30 p.m. when the nurse pulled the last chemo needle from my chest. It was amazing to think that I don't have to lay in a bed and have chemicals pumped into me again. I have a couple of appointments before my surgery on April 11, but no chemo next week or ever again. It's a great feeling.

I'm excited, but I'm exhausted at the same time. I always feel weak after chemo, but today I also have a headache and a pain in my chest where the chemo was administered. Pain pill to the rescue.

Today I'm celebrating Lisa (who drove me to MDA this morning) and Kelly (who drove me home from MDA and brought me a sandwich). I can't give enough thanks to all the people who have driven me to and from the hospital the last five months.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

It's Cancer - National Cereal Day

Of the more than 314 million people in the U.S., 49 percent start their days with a bowl of cereal. Do you?

I'm ready to start walking and rebuilding my strength. I'm also ready for chemo to be finished so my chemo rash will go away, as well as the numbness in my hands and feet. My legs are incredibly unsteady today. 

Today I'm celebrating Susan and Wayne. Tasty lunch today with long-time friends.

Monday, March 6, 2017

It's Cancer - Rainey days and Mondays always get me down

Mr. B and I went to a couple of neighborhood art openings on Saturday and then had dinner at Southern Goods. It's not often that I get Mr. B to try a new restaurant. Usually I go to the new restaurant at noon months before I can get him to go for dinner. He loved the shrimp and grit balls at Southern Goods, as well as the special for the night: grilled ribs with strawberry glaze. I was concerned that strawberries would make the glaze too sweet, but it was wonderful. And the ribs had lots of meat on them, which was also wonderful.

Speaking of grilling, the Houston Rodeo barbecue contest was this past weekend. It's hard for me to believe that the overall grand champion is from ... Iowa. What? A state in the heart of the Corn Belt wins the barbecue cook-off?.

Today I'm celebrating avocados. I had half of one on my turkey and swiss sandwich today. Very yummy.

Friday, March 3, 2017

It's Cancer - Another pretty day in Houston

I'm feeling better today than I did yesterday, but still not ready to jump around. There are a couple of art events tomorrow night that I'd like to attend so I'll just save my strength for them.

Speaking of events, Mr. B and I have been asked to chair an event in June. Before I make up my mind, I need to speak to the organizers to find out exactly what will be expected of us. I'm not one to simply be an event chair "in name only," so I need to know more to ensure that I'll be well enough.

Today I'm celebrating former president George W. Bush. He has been promoting his book Portraits of Courage that celebrates American veterans. I think it's very honorable of him to not criticize the current commander in chief when asked. It's also refreshing that he doesn't take himself too seriously and he is able make fun of himself. Our current president should learn how to not be so critical of others, how to be more humble, and how to take a joke. But I don't see any of those happening.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

It's Cancer - Laying low

It's a beautiful day outside. I wish I would get dressed and sit outside and read or something, but I can't seem to find the strength today. I need to keep in mind that I only have one more chemo treatment left. Then I'll be able to regain my strength and grow hair. I don't know which I'm more excited about.

I'm already thinking passed my last chemo and surgery and radiation to when I'm cancer free. Eye on the prize.

Today I'm celebrating stupidity. Former Texas governor Rick Perry is the new energy secretary of the U.S. Why? Who can forget Perry’s infamous “oops” statement in which he forgot that the Department of Energy was among the agencies he would abolish if elected president. Fortunately he was not elected president. Unfortunately he is now in charge of the DOE. Crazy stupid.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

It's Cancer - Chemo Phase 2, 11 of 12

I'm too tired this afternoon to be excited that I only have one chemo treatment left.

I appreciate neighbor Tracy taking me and coming back to get me. Now that I'm home I've taken nausea and pain medications, so I'll be "out" soon.

Today I'm celebrating the first day of Lent. I went to the chapel at MDA, said a prayer, and had ashes applied to my forehead. I reflected this morning on what to "give up" and decided that I'll not being enjoying sweets during Lent. Good thing I finished all those Girl Scout cookies last night.