Friday, April 8, 2016

The Explorer on Dec. 4, 2009, while it was
snowing in Houston. 
I was once told to never cry about anything that couldn't cry for me. This is a great motto for me and keeps me from becoming attached to "things."

While I didn't cry today, I was sad to get rid of a thing. Mr. B and I decided that it was time to get rid of the 2000 Explorer, so we donated it to the Veterans. It makes me smile to think that some deserving veteran will receive the SUV. He or she will be able to drive to work, the grocery store, church, etc. I'm happy that we were able to donate the car, but at the same time it's sad that a vehicle that was part of our lives for 16 years will no longer be around <insert sigh here>. Sweetness was 11 years old when we got the car.

Today I'm celebrating veterans. Thanks so much for your service to our country. Whoever gets the old Explorer, I hope it is beneficial to whomever for many years to come.

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