Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sandi Seltzer Bryant (r), Barbara Faber, and me
in front of two SSB collages.
We had a terrific evening last night. First we went to a reception for Sandi Seltzer Bryant, one of our favorite Houston artists. The reception was hosted by Geri Hooks at Hooks Epstein Gallery, which now represents Sandi. Also there was Roni McMurtrey, who represented Sandi for 20 years before she retired and closed her gallery at the end of 2015. We spent time catching up with other collectors who were present. <Note: This almost sounds like a society column, except we were at a "gallienda" instead of a "swankienda.">

Next we went to dinner at Shade and ran into Marilyn and Robert McKinney. I shared office space with Marilyn for several years and it was good to see her.

Today I'm celebrating date night. Although I'm not crazy about the new menu at Shade, having two cocktails and dinner with Mr. B was a perfect Saturday night.

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