Saturday, April 30, 2016

With Princie Chapman and Victoria Lightman at HCCC luncheon
I don't think I touched my computer yesterday, and I'm none-the-worse today.

Yesterday was a prime example of what a diva I'm becoming. I was up, dressed and looking good by 11 a.m. when Mr. B and I went to the annual Houston Center for Contemporary Craft luncheon. It's always a fun event to see (mostly) ladies dressed to the nines at noon. The shoes in the room were expensive and spectacular, just the way I like them! We got home from the luncheon just before 2 p.m. so I could change clothes and take TLP to his play school. Next I had a mani/pedi before heading home for a afternoon nap. I got up from my nap in time to change clothes again and go to dinner with friends. The perfect diva day.

Today I'm celebrating the end of April. How can it be that the year is going by so quickly?

Thursday, April 28, 2016

More rain coming to Houston. I think we have had enough April showers for May flowers – unless we are trying to drown them.

I couldn't sleep last night so I was in my studio this morning very early matching fabrics and purging. I have about three bags of fabric that I'm planning to donate to the sewing club at Stephens Elementary School. I read about the club in last week's paper. I hope they will put the fabrics to good use.

Today I'm celebrating vintage suitcases. I love them so much and use them in my display when I do craft shows. I've recently added three suitcases to my collection, including the one pictured today.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Yesterday on my blog I showed a piece of "outsider art" from the Smither Collection. Today I'm posting a picture of folk art from the same collection. The photo doesn't do the piece justice since you can't see all of the intricate details, which is a shame because the art is so beautiful.

Also yesterday, I got an email from some Santa Fe friends that they are moving out of state. I can't imagine anyone wanting to leave The Land of Enchantment, but it's true. I always look forward to seeing them so I'm really sad. I don't think it will be the same to just have telephone and email conversations with them. Me sad!

Today I'm celebrating decluttering. I'm back looking at fabrics to see which ones I can purge.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

An example of outsider art.
Mr B and I had the privilege to visit an art collector's home tonight. I'm told that she has the largest collections of "outsider art" in the country. She is donated her collection, which also includes a great deal of folk art, to The Menil in Houston.

I loved the collector's home because it was so cozy and filled with art and books and family photos. Lots of eye candy to see.

Today I'm celebrating outsider art, which is often applied to include certain self-taught or naive art makers, such as the mentally ill, children, prisoners, and other untrained artists. Typically, those labeled as outsider artists have little or no contact with the mainstream art world or art institutions. In many cases, their work is discovered only after their deaths.

Monday, April 25, 2016

I'm trying to get back in the habit of writing my blog every day, and I have just a few minutes to get it done for Monday.

I spent time in my studio today tossing and decluttering. I don't know why I have files from 10-15 years ago. There are certain things I want to save from my career: the Texas Monthly articles; really cool brochures; pieces that won awards; and some of my personal favorites. However, most of the files I've been saving are work papers, which I don't need. Anyway, today I made a good start on thrashing files.

Today I'm celebrating indigo. Indigo is one of my favorite fabrics. The texture of the fabric is really interesting. I made two indigo pillows yesterday. It's not too loosely or tightly woven. Great accent pillows.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

While watching the sad Rockets' loss I painted my nails purple.
Mr. B, Dr. Mc and I were watching a movie this morning when we heard a loud noise in front of our house. An SUV had come around the corner and hit Dr. Mc's SUV on the driver's side front. The impact was so great that her SUV was pushed backwards approximately 65 feet and it made a 45 degree turn into a driveway. Her SUVs backward motion was stopped when it hit a parked truck in the driveway. A high school boy was driving the SUV. It was his first wreck and he was about one block from his house. No one was hurt and no one could figure out how Dr. Mc's SUV made the backward turn into the driveway.

The bad news is that the kid wrecked his mother's SUV (probably totaled the vehicle). The good news is that he recognized Big Daddy Nick as the drummer for The Suffers' and they bonded over music for a few minutes. The bad news is that Dr. Mc's 10-year-old SUV has probably seen its last day on the road. The good news is that Nick gave the kid The Suffers' CD. More good news is that The Sufffers' were playing half time at the Rockets' game and Nick made it to Toyota Center in time to perform.

Today I'm celebrating the plumber who came to our house on a Sunday afternoon and fixed the hot water heater in the pouring down rain. I would've been a really upset if there was no hot water for my shower.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Next week I plan on moving on from making items from chenille. That means this weekend I need to organize my fabric and find a place for it. Hum ... I'm not sure there is room at the inn.

Babies TLP's age are like little monkeys who mimic whatever is done around them. Since Big Daddy is traveling with The Suffers so much, we will ask TLP, "Where's dada?" He is now doing it back to us with a shrug movement. His elbows are waist level, his arms are outstretched in front, and his palms are turned up. Then he cocks his head to one side, raises his shoulders, and says, "Where's dada?" It's getting to be that every time he asks a question he shrugs this way. Most of the time we have no idea what he is asking, but his expression is priceless.

Today I'm celebrating a beautiful Saturday. It's hard to believe that there are parts of the city that are still flooded when the skies are so majestic over our house.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Purple baby pillow with doily center.
It was a sad day with the announcement of the death of Prince. I'm one of the hundreds of millions of people who love his music. Hearing of his death, combined with the rain still falling in Houston, put me in a purple funk.

I thought, as a tribute to Prince, that I would wear a red shirt in homage to one of my favorite Prince songs: Little Red Corvette. My other favorite Prince song is Purple Rain, so I used as much purple in my sewing today as possible.

Today I'm celebrating the life of Prince. It's sad that it has ended so soon. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The cutest little "Birkies" for the cutest little feet.
There was no rain at the house yesterday, but today it is raining again. People are still being rescued from the huge rain on Sunday night. I can't imagine what more rain will do to already saturated areas. Seven or eight people have already died. Per the stats, this rain measures much worse that the storms and flooding last Memorial Day, but only half as bad as tropical storm Allison.

Sweetness got water in her car. It was on the street in front of their apartment. Although it isn't a new car in age, it is a new car for her. Bless her heart!

Today I'm celebrating pajama day. I see no need to get dressed when I'm just going to hang out at the house.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Once again Houston is flooded. Residents are continually told by the city and county that the flooding problem is no more, yet it keeps flooding. Parts of the area are in a 100-year floodplain. Some areas are in a 500-year floodplain. Yet parts of Houston flooded less than a year ago and are flooded again now. Houston, we have a problem!

I spent yesterday (Saturday) finishing all the quilts that I want to make for now. I have eight baby quilts ready for forever homes. Although I wasn't sure about making an all-white quilt, it may be my favorite.

Today I'm celebrating living in "the Heights," which was named because it's more than
20 feet higher than downtown Houston. This means that we are a little island in a flooded city.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sandi Seltzer Bryant (r), Barbara Faber, and me
in front of two SSB collages.
We had a terrific evening last night. First we went to a reception for Sandi Seltzer Bryant, one of our favorite Houston artists. The reception was hosted by Geri Hooks at Hooks Epstein Gallery, which now represents Sandi. Also there was Roni McMurtrey, who represented Sandi for 20 years before she retired and closed her gallery at the end of 2015. We spent time catching up with other collectors who were present. <Note: This almost sounds like a society column, except we were at a "gallienda" instead of a "swankienda.">

Next we went to dinner at Shade and ran into Marilyn and Robert McKinney. I shared office space with Marilyn for several years and it was good to see her.

Today I'm celebrating date night. Although I'm not crazy about the new menu at Shade, having two cocktails and dinner with Mr. B was a perfect Saturday night.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

I want to have plenty of "product" for the June market I'm participating in so I've created a schedule for my sewing and crafting, and am sticking to it. I'm sure I'm overdoing it, but I'm spending one more week on quilts and pillows. Next I'll work on my tin jewelry. It's been awhile since I made any jewelry and it will be slow going for the week I spend on it. Then I'll be back to sewing totes and bags for two weeks. At this time it will be approximately two weeks before the market. I'll spend the time before the market organizing my display and breathing. TMI on the craft festival?

Speaking of festivals, TLP has his hat on and is ready to go to the Art Block: The Big Bash in downtown Houston. His dada is playing at 4:30 p.m. Mr. B and I were thinking about going, but it's misting. If there's one thing I hate it's walking around an outdoor festival while it's misting. TLP and his mama can go to the performers tent and stay dry if it rains, but not other family members.

Today I'm celebrating new relationships. Friend and artist Sandi Seltzer Bryant has a new gallery because the gallery that used to represent her closed (the owner retired). Tonight Mr. B and I are going to help Sandi and friends celebrate her new relationship.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Since he has such fair skin, TLP always wears a hat when he goes outside. This year's orange floppy hat was bought for him by his mama, and I'm sure that 30 years from now he'll fuss at her for making him wear it. But that is in the future. Right now, we all think he is adorable.

Today, TLP's mind associates that hat with outside, which he loves. He thinks if he puts the hat on, someone will take him out. This morning he put on his hat, with his pajamas, and kept pointing outside.

Today I'm celebrating finishing both of the pink baby quilts I've been working on for the last two weeks. It's such a good feeling to have them completed.

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Explorer on Dec. 4, 2009, while it was
snowing in Houston. 
I was once told to never cry about anything that couldn't cry for me. This is a great motto for me and keeps me from becoming attached to "things."

While I didn't cry today, I was sad to get rid of a thing. Mr. B and I decided that it was time to get rid of the 2000 Explorer, so we donated it to the Veterans. It makes me smile to think that some deserving veteran will receive the SUV. He or she will be able to drive to work, the grocery store, church, etc. I'm happy that we were able to donate the car, but at the same time it's sad that a vehicle that was part of our lives for 16 years will no longer be around <insert sigh here>. Sweetness was 11 years old when we got the car.

Today I'm celebrating veterans. Thanks so much for your service to our country. Whoever gets the old Explorer, I hope it is beneficial to whomever for many years to come.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I'm beyond excited and honored! I have been accepted into the Vintage Flea. This is an antique and "old stuff" event that is huge. I applied, not really thinking that I would be accepted, but I'm in.

When I applied I sent photos of my tin jewelry as well as the baby quilts made from vintage chenille fabrics. I don't have much of either, so I'll be a busy girl between now and the first of June.

Today I'm celebrating taking a chance. I love it when it works out.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Mr. B has had a back ache for more than a week now. He fusses at me when I'm sick and don't go to the doctor, yet he'll walk around the house complaining for a week while holding his back.

Since Mr. B wasn't feeling so great, we only left the house once. The black Lexus needed a bath because of all the tree pollen. We put TLP in the car (he loves to ride in the care) and went to the drive-thru carwash. Who knew that the noise from the carwash would make him cry. Sorry, baby.

Today I'm celebrating timeliness. Since I was in the house so much this weekend I was able to sew the top of pink baby quilt #1 together. Cute. Cute. Cute.