Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Postings on Etsy

At the end of last week Dr. Mc came down with a bad cold, which she "gave" to TLP. He started coughing and sneezing yesterday. It's hard to tell if his coughing is real or fake, but there was no mistaking the real deal this morning.

He spends Tuesdays with Big Daddy Nick's parents. I texted Dr. Mc after lunch to see how he was doing. She replied that the Zamoras gave him a steam bath and a taco, and he was feeling much better. TLP is just like me in that there isn't much that a hot bath/shower and Mexican food can't repair.

Today I'm celebrating a beautiful day in H-town. The weather prediction was for rain, but it's a bright sunny day. It's only in the high 80s. I'll be doing a happy dance in a few months when the temperature is down in the 60s. I love wearing cold weather clothes.

Monday, September 28, 2015


Bonding with my two misters.
I haven't left the house in the last four days. That doesn't make me a bad person, just a lazy one.

So what have I been doing with my time? I've been going through fabrics in my craft room. I'm about half way through looking at each and every piece of fabric to decide if I should keep it, donate it or try to sell it on etsy. Some of pieces I can't believe I ever got them in the first place. Making the etsy listing takes so long! I hope I sell some.

Today I'm celebrating Mr. B. Dr. Mc was sick so I've done double duty taking care of TLP. On Sunday, Mr. B came into Aulay's room (previously known as the television room until Aulay's crib and toys took over). Mr. B got on the floor so Aulay could show him all his toys. The male bonding was so cute and afforded me some time to myself! It's impossible to decide which of those two I love more.

Friday, September 25, 2015

It's Friday

It was bound to happen. TLP is so strong willed and wants to stand on his own. Unfortunately his legs and gravity don't cooperate as much as he would like. This afternoon he took a terrible tumble and his check is read. I gave him some juice and tried to hold ice on the area while he drank. Fat chance.

I remember how easily his mom and aunt bruised when they were little. In fact, we still bruise very easily. Sometimes I don't realize I've run into something until a big bad bruise appears.

Today I'm celebrating Friday. I need to return a pan to the rental company. I need to go to the drugstore. And supplies are needed from the liquor store.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

New Artists-in-Residence at HCCC

I'm finding that one of my favorite times of the day occurs sometime between 2-4 p.m. when TLP has a nap. That doesn't make me a bad grandmother or nanny just because I need time off of the floor to accomplish a few things.

Top on my to-do list right now is to purge some supplies from my craft room. Have you read this before? There is just too much stuff to fit in the little room. I have some fabrics and tins that came in bundles that I will never use. I want to make my own bundles and try to sell them on eBay or etsy. I also want to move office supplies from my craft room to Mr. B's studio, but don't tell him.

Today I'm celebrating the five new artists-in-residence at the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft. There is a meet-and-greet dinner tonight for the newbies who began their residency in September: two ceramic artists, two metal artists, and a fiber artist. I always appreciate the creative talents of others.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

TLP kisses

In old homes, such as the 1910 Queen Anne Cottage where we hang our hats, the dining room is usually in the center of the house. When you walk in the front door, you enter directly into the living room with the dining room next and the kitchen at the back.

What happens so often is that as we pass from the living room to the kitchen, things get dropped on the dining room table. Today I'm going to clear the table and find the proper home for everything on it. Not a small task!

Today I'm celebrating Aulay's baby kisses. He usually is good for only one kiss per day, but this morning he kept making his kiss-y face and leaning forward to me. I just can't resist him!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A day of nothing

I used to go to my client's office and spend all day on Tuesdays. This is the second week that I haven't done that. Last week I was so busy running wedding errands that I didn't realize I had a day off. Today, other than washing clothes and watching television, I didn't do a damn thing. I'm not sure if that's good or not.

We still have wedding flowers in most rooms of the house. The old-fashioned roses used in the bouquets still smell so sweet. I'm drying some of the flowers to put on the Christmas tree. I also saved the ivory ribbon from Sweetness' bouquet. I don't know what I'll do with it. If nothing else I can tie it around some of the flowers I'm drying.

Today I'm celebrating a cool(er) day in Houston. Big Daddy Nick is performing tonight in Boston where the weather is much cooler than it is in Houston. Hopefully he'll be sending better weather to his hometown.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Unstarched hair

For five days before and immediately after the wedding and celebration my hair was straightened and sprayed. Jim has done my hair for many years and always works miracles when I want straight hair, but this morning I got in the shower and washed all the "starch" out of my hair. It's now drying at its own pace so the waves and curls are singing: Free at last!

I slept on and off this morning until 11 a.m., just because I could. Big Daddy Nick is still home so he was with TLP this morning. This afternoon Big Daddy is flying to Boston to meet up with The Suffers. It has been good having him at the house for a few days. He was the officiant at the wedding and did a terrific job.

Today I'm celebrating our new normal. Although I still have a few rental returns to make this afternoon, for the most part I'm at home, trying to find the bottom of the piles that have accumulated. No makeup. No hair "do." Just jeans and a t-shirt, and sandals when necessary.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

The marriage of Sweetness and Raff

After 1,377 posts using Today I'm Creating, I'm switching and will start blogging under Today I'm Celebrating. I've been thinking about making this switch in titles for many months. Tonight I decided it's the right time.

I've made several changes in my life recently that I'm just now writing about. I'd been feeling exhausted and depressed for several weeks, and knew it was time to make some changes. Almost two weeks ago I resigned from my part-time job where I did creative writing and event planning. It wasn't fun or fulfilling anymore. The same day I also resigned from the volunteer work I've been doing. It just felt like more of a burden than a pleasure to be helping. What I need to do most right now is put myself first instead of others.

Today I'm celebrating the marriage of Evan and Raff, and wishing them happiness and joy from this weekend forward. It was a glorious weekend with family and friends, lots of good wine and food, and way too much cake!