Wednesday, May 10, 2017

It's Cancer - Radiation postponed again

Radiation was supposed to start next week, but it has been postponed again because I still have an infection. Doctors who I see weekly say the infection is improving, which is good news. But healing is slow. A catheter that drains fluid from my breast into a bag I wear is still implanted. I still have an infection and hole in my left breast that Mr. B packs with gauze and bandages daily. Now radiation is tentatively supposed to start on June 6, if I'm healed.

I haven't talked about turning 65 on my June 18th birthday this year because going on Medicare has been a total frustration for me. I've been attempting to coordinate this transfer from our primary insurer (UHC) to Medicare, but kept getting a run around. Every time I called UHC I would get different information. Today Mr. B (who is only 61 ... yes, I'm a cougar) hired an insurance professional to help us. The man got more accomplished in an hour than I did in months of trying.

Today I'm celebrating Mr. B's "brofriends" who are taking him to dinner tonight. He needs a relief from the turmoil of his work and chaos of my cancer. As he was hugging me from behind today he told me he really wished I could give him a big hug, but realizes that can't happen right now. I, too, wish I could give this sweet, caring man a big bear hug, but my chest is just too sore and tender. Soon!

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