Wednesday, May 24, 2017

It's Cancer - Back on track

The catheter was removed from my left side today. It feels so good not to have a bag of bacteria hanging on my side. I have to remain relatively immobile for the next couple of days so there are no more leaks. The danger of another leak is that I will have to have another drain put in place. No thank you.

Being back on track means moving forward with radiation. As of now I have my radiation assessment scheduled for June 6. If all goes well with the assessment I'll start radiation the next day, which will be Phase Three of my cancer treatment.

Today I'm celebrating hair. I continue to rub coconut oil in my scalp every day because my scalp is dry. I'm feeling more hair although it is light and  I can't see it. Mr. B says he can see it. Right now I can just feel the fuzz. It feels like felt. I've been told that my hair will really start growing six months after chemo, which will be September. Fall has always been my favorite time of the year.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

It's Cancer - Two days of waiting

Yesterday I had jury duty. I thought about asking for a disqualification because of my cancer, but I woke up feeling good so I went instead of rescheduling for a future date. I accepted my duty for public service. The new jury building for Harris County is much nicer than it used to be. Features include wi-fi, a vending room, and a snackbar with hot and cold coffees prepared by live people. I wasn't put in a jury pool so my service was complete in less than three hours.

Today I'm at MDA for a check-up. I got here this morning around 9:30 a.m. for my first appointment. My wound is healing and no longer needs to be packed. It still has to be bandaged, which is OK with me. The packing was the bad part. My drain is still in place. Maybe they'll remove it next week. Maybe. Now I'm waiting another hour for my last appointment. Unfortunately it is with a doctor who usually keeps me waiting at least an hour. By the time I leave here today it will probably be around 5 p.m. I think after sitting around all day Mr. B should take me to dinner tonight.

Today I'm celebrating Big Daddy Nick. He has been my car service for the last two days. I'm glad I don't have anymore appointments this week because he leaves tomorrow to go back on the road with The Suffers.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

It's Cancer - Radiation postponed again

Radiation was supposed to start next week, but it has been postponed again because I still have an infection. Doctors who I see weekly say the infection is improving, which is good news. But healing is slow. A catheter that drains fluid from my breast into a bag I wear is still implanted. I still have an infection and hole in my left breast that Mr. B packs with gauze and bandages daily. Now radiation is tentatively supposed to start on June 6, if I'm healed.

I haven't talked about turning 65 on my June 18th birthday this year because going on Medicare has been a total frustration for me. I've been attempting to coordinate this transfer from our primary insurer (UHC) to Medicare, but kept getting a run around. Every time I called UHC I would get different information. Today Mr. B (who is only 61 ... yes, I'm a cougar) hired an insurance professional to help us. The man got more accomplished in an hour than I did in months of trying.

Today I'm celebrating Mr. B's "brofriends" who are taking him to dinner tonight. He needs a relief from the turmoil of his work and chaos of my cancer. As he was hugging me from behind today he told me he really wished I could give him a big hug, but realizes that can't happen right now. I, too, wish I could give this sweet, caring man a big bear hug, but my chest is just too sore and tender. Soon!

Friday, May 5, 2017

It's Cancer - Always looking for the positive

When I had surgery to remove the cancer in my left breast, a plastic surgeon was in the operating room. After the oncology surgeon removed the tumor, the plastic surgeon took over to work his magic. He took breast tissue from my right breast to fill in where the tumor was removed from my left breast. I'm glad he was able to do this because I didn't want a plastic implant. But wait, there's more good news.

The plastic surgeon performed a lift and reduced the size of my breasts. My girlfriends with large breasts are smiling right now because they know what time and gravity can do to us. It has now been almost a month since my surgery and I've been braless most of the time. All I need is a camisole under my top. It's like college days back in the 70s when bras were optional.

Today I'm celebrating the group of volunteers who are helping plan and execute the Empty Bowls Preview Party at the Houston Canter for Contemporary Craft. Mr. B and I are honored to chair such a great event supporting the Houston Food Bank and its mission to fight hunger. If you live in the area,
please come on June 2 from 6-8 p.m. Hundreds of bowls created and donated by local artists will be available for purchase, starting at only $25. Tickets are $50/person and are available at   FYI: With $25 the Houston Food Bank can feed 75 people! That's amazing.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

It's Cancer - Radiation postponed

I was at MDA on Monday and Wednesday this week so doctors could check on my infection and talk to me about radiation. I'm sad to say that the infection on the side of my breast is still draining and I'm still wearing the drain bag, which has to be emptied and cleaned daily. On top of my left breast there is also an infection that Mr. B has to clean and pack with medicated gauze three times a day. And I'm still taking 12 antibiotics a day. The only part of this process that doesn't totally gross me out is taking three pills four times a day.

I also met with the oncology radiologist. She had scheduled me for assessment next week and radiation was supposed to start the following Monday, but that has been pushed back until I'm clear of infections, including the cold that I have. From all the chemo my body is unable to fight off infections. I really wanted to be finished with treatment by my birthday on June 18, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen.

Today I'm celebrating sweet Lisa who lives around the corner. She brought me one of my favorite sandwiches for lunch today. Yum!