Friday, April 28, 2017

It's Cancer - Trying something different

I got the word late yesterday that my doctors wanted to insert a new drain under my left arm to help rid my body of the fluid that is accumulating there. During the procedure this morning, I could hear everything that was going, but I couldn't feel anything. This is the same kind of sedative I had when the port was put into my chest. It's a very weird feeling to be able to hear, but unable to move or feel pain. After time in recovery the pain and a headache came, and so did the good meds.

Doctors still haven't identified the specific bacteria that is causing my infection. They know the class of bacteria so they have added more antibiotics to my IV. I may be released to go home tomorrow, which would make me very happy. Like most hospitals, nothing happens at MDA on the weekends. I'd rather go home with a bunch of pills instead of staying in the hospital.

Today I'm celebrating my nurse Gabe. He is a young fellow with a great sense of humor who
kept me entertained all day.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

It's Cancer - Hectic day at MDA

Around 5:30 a.m. today doctors started knocking on my hospital door to look at my left breast. I'm pretty sure at least half of the oncology staff has peered under my gown, peeled the bandages back, poked at my breast and said "hum" before leaving the room. I must have the most popular boob at MDA.

I just had an ultrasound because the fluid is building in my left breast and arm. Now the doctor may aspirated the fluid with a syringe or possibly reinsert a drainage tube. From the small amount the doctor was able to get yesterday the lab has determined that there is bacteria in the fluid, but they haven't been able to identify the type. This is important so that the antibiotics can be more targeted.

Today I'm celebrating Mr. B again. He has stressed himself out between his work and worrying about me. I keep telling him not to worry about me. I have room service, the TV remote control to myself, a book, my iPad, and my favorite pink shawl to keep me warm. If I could just get the IV out of my arm I would be in heaven.
Missing this little stinker while
he is on vacation with this
Mama and Dada.
be in heaven.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

it's Cancer - I have a leak

When I woke up this morning my camisole was covered in blood. For a moment I thought I was dreaming about being in a Godfather's movie so I checked the bed for a horse head, but it was me bleeding. Mr. B cleaned me up and we found blood coming out of my left breast near stitches.

We came to MDA where it was determined that I have fluid pockets that are a result of surgery. Usually a person's body will absorb the fluids or the fluids will escape through the drain tubes, but my tubes had already been removed. I also have a serious infection in my left breast so I was admitted to the hospital for 48-72 hours of intravenous antibiotics. 

Today I'm celebrating Sweetness who has spent most of the afternoon in my hospital room. We have figured out how to monitor the room temperature, and we just ordered smoothies from room service. We need an afternoon pick-me-up. I'm also celebrating Mr. B who spent the morning getting me admitted to MDA. I don't know what I would do without my family.

Friday, April 21, 2017

It's Cancer - Post-surgery update

I think it was the night before surgery that the battery on my laptop died. So far I haven't been able to get to the Apple Store so I'm using my iPad. This morning I remembered the password to my blog account so I can post, but I haven't figured out how to move the image to the top of the page.

My surgery was 10 days ago. Even though the surgery was successful, since then I've been feeling pretty lousy. I'm swollen and sore across my chest from one armpit to the other. I have stitches on my chest below and on both breasts, as well as more stitches on my right chest (near my collar bone) where my port was removed, and more stitches on my left chest near my armpit where lymph nodes were removed. "Draining tubes" were inserted on the side of each breast. Poor Mr. B had to empty and clean the tubes twice a day. Fortunately the drains were removed on Monday (ouch). As the swelling goes down I'll feel less pressure in my chest. Right now it feels like there is a 100-pound weight on my chest. I'm trying to remain calm until my swelling is gone and the massive amount of stitches fall out. Probably by the first of June I'll start radiation, which I'll receive five days a week for five or six weeks.

Today I'm celebrating what I hope will be a speedy recovery. In baseball terms, I feel I've passed second base (surgery) and am heading for third base (radiation). Soon I'll round third base and head for home plate (cancer free). Go team!

Monday, April 3, 2017

It's Cancer - Pre-op begins

I was at MDA this morning being examined and receiving instructions about my surgery next Tuesday. While I'm excited to get the surgery behind me, I''m also nervous. Until a couple of days ago, I was fine with the prospect of having a long scar across my left breast and no nipple, but now I'm letting it bother me. I suppose it will take some time to adjust to my new post-surgery "look." I just need to stay calm and carry on, as the expression goes.

Yesterday afternoon Mr. B and I saw two documentaries, one of which was about sculptor/metal artist Ed Wilson. About 15(?) years ago, Mr. B and I bought a sculpture by Ed that's in our front yard. His latest project was unveiled in November 2016, in the lobby of the George R. Brown Convention Center. Our sculpture is about 7 feet tall, while Soaring In The Clouds in GRB is a 67-foot-high mobile of shiny stainless steel clouds and cutout birds. It's amazing! 

Today I'm celebrating friend and filmographer Ray Hylenski. Ray documented Ed making his monumental sculpture and installing it at GRB, and presented his film yesterday. It was a interesting to watch, plus Mr. B and I got to see lots of friends. Thanks, Ray, for inviting us to the preview and taking my mind off my worries.