Saturday, June 25, 2016

Wow. I haven't posted since Monday. I wish I could say that I haven't posted because I've been incredibly busy, but the opposite it true. My excuse is that I came home from SFe with a cough that I haven't been able to shake. My nose isn't drippy. My head isn't clogged. My throat isn't sore. But I have a hacking cough, as if I were a longtime smoker.

Yesterday, Mr. B and I met some friends at a local place that specializes in bourbon. We sat outside and were estimating the ages of others sitting around us. We guessed that the average age was 28-32 years. Aww yes, it's getting harder and harder to remember what it was like to be that young. I just kept enjoying my vodka (yes, I drank the Russian delight instead of Kentucky spirit).

Today I'm celebrating my birthday. Should I be ashamed that I'm still celebrating my birthday a week after the actual date? Nah.

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