Friday, June 3, 2016

Baby quilts for sale (and an old Eastlake clock)
Not too bad. Load-in and set-up of my space for Vintique Flea only took five hours. I think it doesn't take as much time as some people because of my suitcase system. In vintage suitcases I pack my items for sale. Once I get the tablecloths and overskirts on the tables, all I have to do is open the suitcases and set the items for display.

This time I did have to unload five large trash bags filled with pillows and hang some aprons and tote bags. Easy peasy.

Today I'm celebrating mani/pedis. Once I finish my nap I'm headed to the spa for some well deserved pampering. It's going to be a long weekend and I need to be looking marvelous.

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