Monday, June 27, 2016

Saturday night Mr B and I went out with friends to celebrate my birthday. The restaurant gave me a HUGE piece of tres leches, which I brought home and ate for breakfast on Sunday morning. A latte. Tres leches. And the Sunday paper. It was a delicious way to start Sunday.

Also on Sunday morning Big Daddy Nick came home after being on the road for three weeks. TLP only wanted his dada to hold him and play with him. He wants nothing to do with anyone else except his dada. It's very sweet.

Today I'm celebrating Big Daddy Nick's birthday. His birthday was June 16, but since he was out of town on his actual birthday
we're celebrating tonight.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Wow. I haven't posted since Monday. I wish I could say that I haven't posted because I've been incredibly busy, but the opposite it true. My excuse is that I came home from SFe with a cough that I haven't been able to shake. My nose isn't drippy. My head isn't clogged. My throat isn't sore. But I have a hacking cough, as if I were a longtime smoker.

Yesterday, Mr. B and I met some friends at a local place that specializes in bourbon. We sat outside and were estimating the ages of others sitting around us. We guessed that the average age was 28-32 years. Aww yes, it's getting harder and harder to remember what it was like to be that young. I just kept enjoying my vodka (yes, I drank the Russian delight instead of Kentucky spirit).

Today I'm celebrating my birthday. Should I be ashamed that I'm still celebrating my birthday a week after the actual date? Nah.

Monday, June 20, 2016

My favorite Caesar Salad (Coyote Cafe in SFe).
We were traveling yesterday so I didn't have the chance to thank everyone for the birthday wishes I received. Whether the wishes came via Facebook, text, email, snail mail or phone, all birthday communications are enormously appreciated. Really!

This morning we're back in the heat and humidity of Houston. The blue skies, cooler temperature and slower pace of Santa Fe are still in my thoughts, where they will stay until I visit the City Different again.

Today I'm celebrating home, sweet home. I know there is a clean house somewhere in this mess.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

What a wonderful evening we had last night! Friend Debbie introduced me to Deep Eddy flavored vodka. I see myself drinking tons of vodka tonics this summer. Then she joined us for a delicious dinner at Il Piatto. I could smell the garlic down the street from the little restaurant.

After dinner we walked to the Plaza where there was a vintage car show. All four sides of the square were lined with cars and people eyeing them. There was music on the bandstand, lots of people enjoying the cool evening, and not a mosquito in sight. Just perfect.

Today I'm celebrating my birthday. Happy Bday to me (and many more).

Friday, June 17, 2016

We drove up to the very green ski basin today. Tons of people hiking because there's no snow this time of the year. It was mid-day, cold and sunny up in them there mountains.

Lunch today was at one of my favorite casual dining spots. Imagine a French bistro and bakery in the middle of the high desert. The place is only open until 4 p.m. every day. While the restaurant is open, there's never a place to park and there's usually a short wait to be seated, but the delicious food is worth it.

Today I'm celebrating a beautiful day is Santa Fe. I've called a friend to see about joining us for dinner tonight. In the meantime, I think I need a short nap.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

On the way here, I told Mr. B that there was nothing better in the world than sitting outside at sunset and drinking a margarita in Santa Fe. Today, we took that statement a step further and decided to have margaritas mid-afternoon. After a nap, we went to dinner and had more adult beverages. This is the life.

We are enjoying wonderful weather in Santa Fe. We sat outside at lunch, sat at an outdoor bar to drink our margaritas, and then dined al fresco tonight. I'm going to be very disappointed in August when I'm not in Santa Fe, but in Houston were my skin is melting away.

Today I'm celebrating good hair. It's amazing how great my hair looks when the humidity is around 30 percent. Of course, there is a trade off. If I lived in the high desert full time my skin would be leather.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Dr. Mc is going to help me create a website for my products. The domain name I want (Jewels by Jules) is already taken so I'm trying to think of something else. My favorite so far is Refashioned Vintage. I think this describes the goodies I make, but so far I haven't been able to pull the trigger on the new name.

We're going to Santa Fe next week and I can hardly wait. The weather there is much cooler, as always. At night the temperature is in the low 50s and during the day the weather is 15 degrees cooler than it is here.

Today I'm celebrating chilled wine. I went to the grocery store this afternoon. It was so hot outside (how hot was it?) that I wanted to open a bottle of chilled wine in the grocery store.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Yesterday I applied to be a vendor in another market and today I was accepted. Yippee! It's called the Mamas + Makers Market and will take place on Sunday, July 31. I'll provide more information on the market as I get it.
Vintage tin bracelet

Mamas & Makers Market is a curated pop-up shop that is bringing together local brands for a one-day event geared towards supporting and shopping local. There will be products for moms, kids, dads, pets and more. You can spend the day shopping INDOORS for incredible local jewelry, delicious new foods, cute clothes for kids, home decor and more. Sounds like fun!

Today I'm celebrating opportunities. I get to participate in another market.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

A dear friend has been in town for three days and is leaving in the morning. We had dinner on Monday, lunch on Tuesday, and lunch again today. I was so sad on the way home after lunch that I started crying. Not the really ugly cry, but there were tears in my eyes. Sad.

To cheer myself up I started calling people while I was driving home. I did get to catch up with one friend, nobody else was home.

Today I'm celebrating iced tea. I must have had half a dozen glasses and lunch. And I want more.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

We had a terrific family dinner last night. It seems the best way I can get the family together is to provide food and adult beverages during the week. The weekends are always filled up.

This morning I had a follow-up doctor's appointment. All is well on that front, except for my weight.  I have two pairs of athletic shoes that have barely been worn. It's time to lace them up and do some walking.

Today I'm celebrating a beautiful day in Houston. I don't even care that it will be in the 90s today. I'm just so happy to see blue skies instead of rain.

Monday, June 6, 2016

My home-away-from-home last weekend.
It was a loooong weekend at Vintique Flea. My products weren't a good fit with the market so that was frustrating. Also, standing for 10 hours on Saturday and eight hours on Sunday was hard on my body. All in all, the best part of the weekend was seeing people I know who were shopping.

Mr B was a trooper and stayed with me the entire time. Plus, when we got home both nights, he made us margaritas. I'm definitely hanging onto him!

Today I'm celebrating the future. I got several leads from other vendors about markets that might be better for my products. I'm going online to look at the possibilities.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Baby quilts for sale (and an old Eastlake clock)
Not too bad. Load-in and set-up of my space for Vintique Flea only took five hours. I think it doesn't take as much time as some people because of my suitcase system. In vintage suitcases I pack my items for sale. Once I get the tablecloths and overskirts on the tables, all I have to do is open the suitcases and set the items for display.

This time I did have to unload five large trash bags filled with pillows and hang some aprons and tote bags. Easy peasy.

Today I'm celebrating mani/pedis. Once I finish my nap I'm headed to the spa for some well deserved pampering. It's going to be a long weekend and I need to be looking marvelous.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Sweet pink and white pillow.
I was so tired last night that I went to bed around 9 p.m. and was asleep at the end of Chopped. I'm glad I saw the ending of the cooking show because a woman won, which rarely happens (but I digress).

You can barely see my living and dining rooms because my items for the Vintique Flea Market are everywhere. This morning I packed three of my display suitcases, and marked one apron off of my to-do list. That leaves me with two aprons to make this afternoon and tonight. Tomorrow is the official packing day, but I needed a break from sewing this morning so I packed up a few items.

Today I'm celebrating wedding photographs. Although Sweetness and Raff married nine months ago, the photo album has yet to be born. Get it ... nine months/born? I'll stop writing after that stinky play-on-words.