Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Ankle boots

I'm sad to admit that I'm procrastinating. Big time! I've gone through my fabrics and separated all into piles of what I want to keep and what I want to sell. That was Part A and it took me a month or more to do what should have taken me a week, at the most.

My problem is that I don't know what to do with everything. I want everything organized and easy to get to, but I'm unmotivated to finish. It would be so great to get it done by the end of the weekend. I'm thinking of how I can reward myself for finishing the project.

Today I'm celebrating red Starbuck cups and pumpkin lattes. I see nothing wrong with either of them and think there are many more pressing concerns in the world other than the decoration of a silly coffee cup.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Cooler weather!

Last night we celebrated Melissa's birthday. It was a long time ago in 1978 when we first met. I knew immediately that I liked her because she was funny. As I got to know her I also found out that she was sweet, caring and thoughtful, and she has so many other qualities that I admire!

Together we have shared so many wonderful life experiences, including the marriages of our children and the births of our handsome grandsons who were born just five months apart. We have also been there for each other during the difficult times, but for the most part life has been really good to us.

Today I'm celebrating cooler weather. I was so inspired I bought a Christmas present. Yippee!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Where did Monday go?

I wonder what they were watching.
I honestly thought today was Monday. Maybe it's because Dr. Mc and Big Daddy Nick were gone yesterday so Monday seemed like Sunday? Or maybe it seems like Monday because I usually get so much accomplished on Tuesday, but I didn't do anything today.

Mr. B came home early from work today. That rarely happens! His blood pressure it running high again. He is so different from me because when he isn'tUnfortunately my experience with doctors is the same

Today I'm celebrating the right to vote. There were so many people running for mayor of Houston. I'm sure there will be a run off. The other results I'm looking forward to learning is the vote on Prop 1 (HERO).

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Let the holidays begin

Happy 7th wedding anniversary to TLP's parents
(photo credit:Paty Lennon)
It's November 1 – how can that be? It's also Dr. Mc and Big Daddy Nick's seventh wedding anniversary. Since they dated almost 10 years before they got married, it seems like they have been married much longer.

Mr. B and I decided to skip the trick or treaters last night and go to the movie. We saw Bridge of Spies with Tom Hanks. Both of us thought Tom Hanks gave a really great performance. We enjoyed the movie, but thought the ending was a little hokey. Is that a recommendation without giving anything away?

Today I'm celebrating a quiet day at home with Mr. B and TLP. Aulay spent Friday and Saturday nights with Big Daddy Nick's parents. He is back at our house today while his parents enjoy some time together in NOLA.