Thursday, July 7, 2016

I can tell it's time for a haircut. I was running errands this morning and by the time I got home my hair was damp. The next available appointment with the man who cuts my hair is a week from today. This is very dangerous because there's no telling what I might do with a pair of scissors in the meantime.

Mr. B and I had dinner last night at an Italian restaurant. We ate too late and I'm having a touch of heartburn this morning. I hate it when that happens.

Today I'm celebrating black t-shirts. They go with everything when I'm in a hurry to get dressed in the morning.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Last night, Mr. B and I went to a fairly new midtown gallery that had a fiber exhibition consisting of the works of three women. I particularly liked the work of Delaney Smith and her paper sculptures. She makes her own paper and then bounds the pages with a bookmaking process. Very interesting work (see pic-of-the-day).

I stopped drinking Diet Coke on Jan. 1, 2016, and I've great success sticking to my resolution, except recently. I think as the weather gets hotter and hotter, it gets harder and harder for me to resist Diet Coke.

Today I'm celebrating art. Mr. B and I are going to the Center for Contemporary Craft tonight to see a new exhibit. I'm wearing a necklace Mr. B got me from there for my birthday.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

While most people were outside enjoying July 4th, Mr. B and I had a lovely dinner with friends. We were inside with air conditioning, good food and great conversation. Thanks John and Lisa for a delightful evening. It was good to catch up.

My job today is to go through magazines. I love to buy magazines, then they just sit around in stacks until I purge them six months later. It would be so much simpler if I threw them out after I read them.

Today I'm celebrating a cleaner garage. Mr. B has been sweating it out in the garage for the past two days. Now there is a path from the front door to the back door (little steps).

Friday, July 1, 2016

I need to find something to do so I'm not so bored. While creating the baby items is fun, I have a houseful of items. Maybe what I need to do is find another outlet to sell the baby items.

TLP is a man of many hats, as the pic-of-the-day shows. He has more hats and caps that he'll wear around the house. My grandfather had a hat rack by the back door. He never left the house without a hat (going to work and church) or a cap (for working in his vegetable garden and fishing).

Today I'm celebrating a long weekend. Mr. B is taking off July 5, which means a four-day holiday for the Pettit house. Maybe we can see some movies.